easy-eshots.co.uk Easy-eshots.co.uk an online marketing service
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About our online marketing service

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Easy Eshots is a cost effective e-marketing solution designed by Bradford Chamber of Commerce for the use of businesses of all sizes.

Our online marketing service was designed because our IT advisers were constantly being asked why it seemed all e-marketing solutions charged fixed monthly fees whether you used them or not and the templates supplied were very inflexible.

Use our online marketing service to target your customers efficiently

Easy-eshots: helping you target customers efficiently

At Bradford Chamber we take the concerns of all businesses seriously, so we decided to put together a package of our own that is flexible, scalable and most importantly is charged on a pay as you go basis so that businesses who might be infrequent users are charged at a fair rate.

At the Standard Package level, Easy Eshots is free to subscribe to, free to build a database of contacts, free to send customer surveys* and gives free technical support (At standard geographic call rates). The only time a customer starts paying is when they send their first campaign and the charge is a simple flat rate of £5.00 per campaign plus 1p per email address that is sent to, both plus VAT. If a small company only holds emails for 100 contacts, for example, this would result in a bill of £6.00 plus VAT.

Our aim is to help businesses improve performance without breaking the bank and we believe Easy Eshots can help business to achieve these goals.

Why not contact one of our account managers about how Easy Eshots can help you to develop your business. In the first instance please simply complete our account enquiry form and we’ll give you a call back. If you are already sure that our online marketing service is right for you please feel free to sign up for an account straight away.

*Fair usage policy applies. Account holders are not allowed to constantly use the survey software without activity through their email marketing account.

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Bradford Chamber of Commerce & Industry
A Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England No 54940
Bradford Chamber Devere House Vicar Lane Little Germany
E: Info@bradfordchamber.co.uk T: 01274 772777
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  Bradford Chamber Easy-eshots.co.uk a product of Bradford Chamber

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Comprehensive features Choose from 3 business packages Choose from one of our three online marketing service packages Comprehensive online marketing features